Where to buy roblox stock
Where to buy roblox stock

where to buy roblox stock where to buy roblox stock where to buy roblox stock

Roblox stock value has dropped nearly 40% from its 22 November all-time high of $141.60 per share as negative momentum for growth stocks has accelerated amid the confluence of multiple catalysts.įirst, concerns related to quickening US inflation along with recent remarks from the Federal Reserve regarding an upcoming monetary policy change have pushed the yield of US Treasury bonds to their highest level since the Covid-19 pandemic started.įor young companies in up-and-coming ecosystems such as Roblox, which was created in 2004, higher Treasury yields are considered a negative price driver as they tend to lead to sharp declines in the valuation of high-risk equities. Roblox stock price prediction: What’s next for the metaverse builder? – Photo: Shutterstock

Where to buy roblox stock