Look over the shoulder towards the rear
Look over the shoulder towards the rear

Certain muscles may be overused while other muscles aren’t working enough, contributing to poor posture.Sitting in front of the computer with poor posture can increase pain in the shoulder area.Forward head posture and Rounded shoulders can contribute to pain to the upper back and shoulder blades area.High stress during work increase muscle activation of the Upper Trapezius muscle (A muscle in the upper back).

look over the shoulder towards the rear

High psychologic distress was significantly associated with shoulder and upper back pain.Related: Rhomboid muscle pain relief Psychologic/Psychosocial Stress The muscles around the neck and shoulder blades can strain from overuse during computer work.Using smart phones and computers can lead to poor neck and shoulder posture and thus can cause pain and tightness in shoulders and shoulder blades.

look over the shoulder towards the rear

Common Causes of Back Pain Between Shoulders Blades: Using a Smart Phone & Computer For long periods of time

Look over the shoulder towards the rear