Fallout shelter mods android
Fallout shelter mods android

fallout shelter mods android

The game's resources are divided into four kinds, water, electricity, food is the three basic resources, and caps, it can be understood as the currency in the game, which is a small money. Of course, the original works of all kinds of cool weapons and armor will also appear in this for, but to collect them you need to draw money card, take a look at the figure below the European administrator of the "radiation 3" commonly known "Fat transmitter" hand-held nuclear bomb it!Īs a simulated business game, the gameplay is similar to many similar games, with control over resource balance, staffing, business expansion, and even handling emergencies. In addition, when the shelters are attacked, the emergence of a variety of enemies will certainly make the "radiation" old players excited, like a huge cockroach, mutant mice and the like.

fallout shelter mods android

For example, Pipboy, thumbs up in the main menu of the game, guides the player in the game tutorial the abilities of the asylum seeker are grouped into seven attributes according to the classic S.P.E.C.I.A.L system in the Radiation series. Instead of being a young man who fights against fate and flies, Fallout Shelter is a shelter manager who "fates" to others.Īlthough this player's position is very different from the original, but whatever the outcome is a "radiation" series of derivative games, "radiation" of course, ultimately. Whether it is not a radiation fan, this is a very sophisticated production of a simulation business class game - APKAwaRd.Comįallout Shelter is a mock-up tour operator.

Fallout shelter mods android